MCQs are better than essay tests - persuasive speech

Topic: MCQs are better than essay tests.

General Purpose: To persuade.

Specific Purpose:  To persuade my audience that MCQs are better than essay tests.

MCQs are better than essay tests


Attention Getter:  Did you know that students lose interest in things that students find difficult? A study revealed that students prefer the MCQ Test more than essays.


Reason to Listen: The essay is relatively complex, the exam takes more time, and it depends on many parameters to get a good score. MCQ Test is much easier than that.


Credibility Statement: One thing to remember is that the more accessible the student's learning process is, the better the student can learn. Although essay testing is better for higher secondary education, students spend a lot of time preparing for exams in this system. But MCQ testing is more effective for children. Students can learn a lot easier way through creative and critical thinking. I have done essays and MCQ exams since childhood;  Now I realize MCQ Testing is better than Essays.

Thesis Statement: MCQs are better than essay tests; we must discuss this issue with everyone and understand the matter. 

Preview of Main Points: 

  • First, I will describe why MCQs are better than essay tests.
  • Then, I will give examples of how MCQs are better than essay tests.
  • Finally, I will present a differentiating explanation of why MCQs are better than essay tests.


The good aspects of the Essay test are that the writer can explain the details of the particular subject. It is necessary to explain any topic through organizational skills in detail in an Essay. The organization is essential here. 


On the other hand, A large amount of syllabus can be assessed in a short time through multiple choice. If monitoring is done properly, students will not get time for cheating in case of multiple choice, but they can get some correct numbers by guessing answers. If you have to judge a large number of students in a short time, then multiple choice will be a good option. This is because essays require a lot of time to measure student scores.

Again for essay testing, a student needs to keep a lot of information in mind about the particular subject. Because here, the details need to be explained. Besides, some rules and regulations must be followed to write the essay, such as Introduction, Body, and Conclusion have to be maintained. And you have to write an essay through organizing skills by keeping these steps correctly. Due to having so many rules and regulations, this essay test system seems complicated to a student. And we all know that when something seems complex to students, they lose interest in learning. On the other hand, multiple choice is a straightforward method for student measurement.

The biggest problem for students in essay exams is time. Some may be able to write quickly, and others may take time to write. Those who take more time to write will always have difficulty writing this Essay. And even though he can do many things, he will not be able to complete full information due to lack of time.


Review of main points:

  • Scores of many students can be assessed in less time through multiple choice.
  • A student proficient in the information or a particular topic must be able to complete the exam through multiple choice very well in time. His exam will not get a bad score due to lack of time.

Restate Thesis:  MCQ is easy and less time-consuming for student assessment as it is easier for both the student and teacher and consumes less time, so this method is better than the essay.


Closure: I have tried to show how MCQs are better than essay tests. After knowing these things, I hope you understand why MCQs are better than essay tests.

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