TV shows influence human behavior persuasive speech

Topic: TV shows influence human behavior

General Purpose: To persuade.

Specific Purpose: To persuade my audience that TV shows influence human behavior.

TV shows influence human behavior


Attention Getter:  Too much television or movie watching makes us less creative, passive, and violent. What we are used to seeing every day affects our minds. This is how TV influences humans. 

Reason to Listen: Watching too many shows on TV can expose us to some adverse problems we need to be aware of.

Credibility Statement:  Watching TV is good for developing knowledge and learning. But watching movies or watching various programs on TV excessively, has a negative influence on humans. I have been researching TV shows for a long time and realized that watching too much TV affects a human being greatly.

Thesis Statement: Although, TV shows influence human behavior need to discuss this issue with everyone and understand the matter. 

Preview of Main Points: 

  • First, I will describe why TV shows influence human behavior.
  • Then, I will give some examples of TV shows that influence human behavior.
  • Finally, I will present a differentiating explanation of why TV shows influence human behavior. 


Humans can learn a lot through TV Shows and acquire knowledge by knowing new information. A great entertainment time in our daily life is spent watching TV Shows or movies on TV. The most common activity in contemporary culture has come to be watching TV or movies. 


On the other hand, there is no doubt that films and television shows impact how people behave.  I think watching too many TV shows, and movies on TV leads to negative behavior. Watching too much TV destroys inherent talent. Imaginative skills are destroyed.

People are motivated to act on what they see in TV shows and movies. People usually see something on TV, which gets fixed in their minds. As a result, their unique thinking power is lost. When people see something on TV, they think it is their real-life event. It's true that some people lose themselves in a TV show or movie and believe they are heroes. Furthermore, this kind of emotion unintentionally causes people to act similarly in their daily lives. Children frequently act out characters from television shows or movies with their friends. 

Again during the break in between the TV show, the advertisement continues continuously. This ad plays with our mind games. We trust a product by watching advertisements. This will reduce the development of authentic products. Moreover, various types of sexual scenes and violent scenes can harm young people.


Review of main points:

  • Watching too much TV can make people lose their inner talent.
  • Their negative mind can be created through TV shows.
  • Again, by watching TV shows on a limited scale, knowledge can also be gained through this.


Restate Thesis: Although watching TV is a learning and knowledge gathering, watching it in excess makes us more violent, more passive, and less imaginative.

Closure: I have tried to show how TV shows influence human behavior. After knowing these things, I hope you understand why TV shows influence human behavior.

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